Thursday, November 26, 2009

Indonesia Pronunciation vs Chinese Pronunciation

When an Indonesian learn Chinese, specifically, learn how to write in Chinese using the Pinyin (拼音) method, the most commonly encountered difficulties is the pronunciation part, since there are some differences in the way Indonesian and Chinese pronounce words. Here are the summary of the difference between Indonesian and Chinese pronunciation. To make it easier to learn, some examples are also provided :)


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cannot vs can not

I undeliberately found out that "cannot" is different from "can not", though I thought they were the same. There's a slight difference between "cannot" and "can not".

The difference is that, "cannot" is used to show that it's impossible to do the thing specified in the sentence. While, "can not" means, the thing specified is still possible.
I cannot bring the moon down for you. (It is indeed impossible)
I can not attend the meeting tomorrow. (There's still a possibility it can be done)

I first got it from AlexFiles, then I tried searching it, and found the same idea ^^

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mandarin Phonetic (國語注音)

Don't know where to start when learning Chinese (mandarin)? In my opinion, you should start from the basic.
These are mandarin phonetic which is a basic knowledge needed when first learning mandarin. Each represents the phonetic used in mandarin:


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