朋友您好, ﹑為了你好, 情您坐好, 用心聽好.
Hi friends, for your own sake, please sit well, listen with your heart.
錢多錢少, 夠吃就好. 人醜人美, 訓眼就好.
A little or much money, enough for eat is enough. An Ugly or a pretty person, see able is enough. 人老人少, 健康就好. 家窮家富, 和氣就好.
Old or young, being healthy is enough. Poor or rich, friendly is enough.
老公晚歸, 有回就好. 老婆嘮叨, 顧家就好.
Husband comes home lately, coming home is enough. Wive talks incessantly, looking after the household is enough.
孩子從小, 就要教好.
Children, from small, have to be well taught.
博士也好, 賣菜也好, 長大以後, 乖乖就好.
Being a Doctor, or selling vegetables, growing up, being obedient is enough.
房屋大小, 能住就好. 名不名牌, 能穿就好.
Small or big house, livable is enough. Branded or not, wearable is enough.
兩輪四輪, 能駕就好. 老闆不好, 忍忍就好.
Two-wheeled or four-wheeled, drivable is enough. Bad boss, just be patient.
一切煩惱, 能解就好. 堅持執着, 放下最好.
All the worries, solvable is enough. Insistence and persistence, let go is the best.
人的一生, 平安就好. 不是有錢, 一定會好.
Man's life, safe is enough. It's not being rich, that everything will be fine.
心好行好, 命能改好. 誰是誰非, 天知就好.
Kind heart and charitable act, life can be improved. Who is right or wrong, only God knows.
修福修慧, 來世更好. 說這麼多, 明白就好.
Build luck and wisdom, next life will be better. Talking so much, understandable is good.
天地萬物, 隨緣就好. 很多事情, 看開就好.
Things in earth, just let it go along. A lot of things, just see it through.
人人都好, 日日都好. 你好我好, 世界更好.
Everybody is good, every day is good. I am good, you are good, the world will be better.
總而言之, 知足最好.
In brief, being contented is the best.
這條短言, 真的很好, 不發給你, 是我不好.
This short words, is very good, not sending to you, is my being not-good.
發了給你, 大家都好! 哈哈! 你說我對你好不好?
Sending it to you, will be good for all! Hahaha! Tell me, am I good enough to you?
Though these words are not wordy and simple enough, I think they are really meaningful ^^
Blue: Chinese
Green: English
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