Friday, December 18, 2009

曹植: 七步詩


煮豆燃豆萁, 豆在釜中泣
本是同根生, 相煎何太急?


zhu dou ran dou qi, dou zai fu zhong qi
ben shi tong gen sheng, xiang jian he tai ji

     豆萁:豆的莖幹。 釜:鍋。 煎:熬,這裡指折磨。

[譯文]豆秸在鍋底下燃燒,豆子卻在熱鍋中哭泣。 我倆本是同一條根上長出來的,何必這樣相互折磨和相互殘殺呢?

This poem was made by the third son of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi, in only seven steps.
Cao Zhi’s elder brother, Cao Pi, became a king. He had always envied his brother for being cleverer than him. One day, he forced Cao Zhi to make a poem in seven steps. If he failed to make one, he would be sentenced to death. Thus, he made this poem.

The meaning of the poem is:
Cooking bean by burning the stalk of the bean,
The bean in the cauldron sobs in misery.
The bean and the stalk are actually produced by the same root,
Why do they burn and force each other?

If translated based on the situation at that time, it means:
Bean and its stalk are actually produced by the same root, just like brothers.
The stalk burns and cooks the bean inside the cauldron, making it sob in misery – implies the elder brother who kept forcing him.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Indonesia Pronunciation vs Chinese Pronunciation

When an Indonesian learn Chinese, specifically, learn how to write in Chinese using the Pinyin (拼音) method, the most commonly encountered difficulties is the pronunciation part, since there are some differences in the way Indonesian and Chinese pronounce words. Here are the summary of the difference between Indonesian and Chinese pronunciation. To make it easier to learn, some examples are also provided :)


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cannot vs can not

I undeliberately found out that "cannot" is different from "can not", though I thought they were the same. There's a slight difference between "cannot" and "can not".

The difference is that, "cannot" is used to show that it's impossible to do the thing specified in the sentence. While, "can not" means, the thing specified is still possible.
I cannot bring the moon down for you. (It is indeed impossible)
I can not attend the meeting tomorrow. (There's still a possibility it can be done)

I first got it from AlexFiles, then I tried searching it, and found the same idea ^^

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mandarin Phonetic (國語注音)

Don't know where to start when learning Chinese (mandarin)? In my opinion, you should start from the basic.
These are mandarin phonetic which is a basic knowledge needed when first learning mandarin. Each represents the phonetic used in mandarin:


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Family Jokes

It was translated from Indonesian, I find it funny, so I post it here ^^

Suami: Bagaimana kalau kita berganti posisi malam ini?
Husband: How if we change the position tonight?

Istri: Itu ide bagus - kamu berdiri disamping meja setrikaan dan aku duduk di sofa.
Wife: It is a nice idea - you stand besides the ironing table, and I sit on the sofa.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------

T: Kenapa Cewek yang sudah merit lebih gendut daripada cewek single?
T: Why are married women fatter than single women?

J: Cewek single kalau pulang, setelah melihat apa yang ada di kulkas langsung pergi ke tempat tidur. Cewek merit kalau pulang, setelah melihat apa yang ada di tempat tidur langsung pergi ke kulkas.
J: When single women come home; After seeing what's on the refrigerator, they directly go to bed. When married women come home; After seeing what's on the bed, they go to the refrigerator.

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Pria bertanya kepada Tuhan: "Tuhan, mengapa Engkau menciptakan wanita
begitu cantik?"
A man asks to God: "God, why do you create woman so beautiful?"

Tuhan berkata: "Itu supaya kamu mencintainya"
God says: "So that you love her"

"Tapi Tuhan", sahut si pria, "mengapa Engkau ciptakan dia begitu tolol?"
"But God", said the man, "why do you create her so fool?"

Tuhan menjawab, "Itu supaya dia mencintaimu"
God answers, "So that she loves you"

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Seorang wanita bermimpi di tengah malam dan tiba-tiba berteriak, "Cepat bangun! Suamiku kembali!"
A woman dreams in the middle of the night and suddently shouts, "Hurry, Wake up! My husband is back!"

Pria di sampingnya cepat-cepat bangun, melompat dari jendela, lalu sadar: "Sialan! Aku ini suaminya!"
The man besides her wakes up in a rush, and jumps over the window, then after he realizes it, he says: "Damn! I'm her husband!"

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Istri: Kamu selalu membawa fotoku didompetmu ke kantor. Kenapa?
Wife: You always keep my photo in your wallet. Why?

Suami: Supaya kalau ada masalah, seberat apapun, aku akan memandang fotomu dan masalah itupun lenyap.
Husband: So that when I meet problems, no matter how hard it is, I can see your photo and the problem will disappear.

Istri: Oh...itu kedengarannya manis sekali. Rupanya fotoku punya pengaruh yang hebat juga ya buatmu.
Wife: Oh... It sounds so sweet. I've just realized my photo influence you that much.

Suami: Tentu saja. Aku cukup memandang foto itu dan berkata pada diri sendiri: Memangnya masalah apa yg bisa lebih besar dari ini!
Husband: Of course. I only have to see your photo and says to myself: Is there any bigger problem than this one!

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Si cewek: Nanti kalo sudah menikah, aku mau berbagi semua kekuatiran dan masalahmu dan membantu meringankan bebanmu.
Girl: Later, when we are married, I want to share all your worries and your problems, and lighten your burden.

Si cowok: Wah kamu baik sekali. Tapi aku ngga punya kekuatiran atau masalah apapun.
Boy: Wow, you are so kind. But I don't have any worries.

Si cewek: Itu kan karena kita belum menikah.
Girl: Yeah, that's because we are not married yet.

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Anak: Mama, tadi waktu di angkot sama papa, dia minta saya nyerahin tempat duduk saya buat penumpang cewek.
Child: Mom, just now when I was in the bus with dad, he asked me to give my seat to a woman.

Mama: Itu memang sikap yang baik.
Mom: That's a good attitude.

Anak: Tapi Ma, aku kan duduk di pangkuan Papa.
Child: But Mom, I was sitting on dad's lap.

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Seorang pria yg baru saja merit bertanya kepada istrinya: "Seandainya tadinya Papaku ngga mewariskan kekayaan kepadaku, apa kamu mau juga menikah?"
A newly married man asks to his wife: "If my father didn't inherit his wealth to me, will you still marry me?"

"Sayang", jawab si istri, "Aku tetap menikahi kamu, ngga peduli siapa yang mewariskan kekayaan padamu"
"Honey", answered the wife, "I will still marry you, no matter who inherits his wealth to you"

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Wawancara dengan jutawan
Interview with a millionaire

T: Siapa yang Anda anggap berjasa atas keadaan Anda yg sekarang berstatus jutawan?
T: Who do you think take the most role in your status as a millionaire now?

J: Istri saya.
J: My wife.

T: Wow...pastilah dia wanita hebat. Bisakah Anda menceritakan keadaan Anda sebelumnya?
T: Wow...she must be a great woman. Can you tell us your condition before?

J: Sebelumnya saya milyarder.
J: Before, I was a billionaire.

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Istri bertanya kepada suami: "Mana yang kamu paling suka dari aku - wajah cantikku atau tubuh sexy-ku?"
A wife asks to his husband: "Which part do you like most from me, my beautiful face or my sexy body?"

Suami menatapnya dari atas ke bawah dan menjawab, "Aku suka sense of humor-mu".
The husband see her from the top to the bottom and answered, "I like your sense of humor".

Blue: Indonesian
Green: English

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Court of Love (愛的法庭)

A friend of mine asked my favor to translate somekinda poem, and I think it's quite interesting, so I post it here... It was originally translated from Indonesian :)

Suatu saat ku berada di pengadilan cinta
有一天, 我正在愛的法庭
You yi tian, wo zheng zai ai de fa ting
One day, I was at the court of love

Ku duduk di bangku terdakwa
Wo zuo zai bei gao de yi zi shang
I sat on the defendant chair

Ku dituduh telah menyayangimu
Bei gao yi jing ai shang ni le
I was accused for loving you

Bukti-bukti sangat kuat, pengacara pun tak bisa membelaku
証據確鑿, 就連律師都沒辦法為我辯解
Zheng ji que zuo, jiu lian lv shi dou mei ban fa wei wo bian jie
The evidence were solid, even lawyer couldn’t defend for me

Ku divonis hukuman untuk menyayangimu selamanya
Wo bei pan yi ai ni yi bei zi
I was sentenced to love you my whole life

Kirim ke minimal 15 orang yang kamu saying, pacar, sahabat, dan lain-lain
寄給至少15個你愛的人, 戀人, 朋友, 。。。
Ji gei zhi shao 15 ge ni ai de ren, lian ren, peng you, ...
Send this to at least 15 people you love, boyfriend / girlfriend, friends, ...

Jika kamu mendapatkan kembali 3 balasan, kamu adalah sahabat yang baik
如有3個會信, 你是一個好友
Ru you 3 ge hui xin, ni shi yi ge hao you
If you get 3 replies back, then you are a good friend

Jika kamu mendapatkan kembali 5 balasan, kamu adalah orang yang spesial
如有5個會信, 你是一個特別的朋友
Ru you 5 ge hui xin, ni shi yi ge te bie de peng you
If you get 5 replies back, then you you are a special person

Jika kamu mendapatkan kembali 10 balasan, kamu akan menemukan pacar sejati
如有10個會信, 你會找到你真正的另一半
Ru you 10 ge hui xin, ni hui zhao dao ni zhen zheng de ling yi ban
If you get 10 replies back, then you will find you other half

Orange : Indonesian
Green : Chinese
Blue : Chinese (Pinyin)
Pink : English

Sunday, September 13, 2009

4 Facts to Live a Better Life

4 Facts to Live a Better Life
si ge rang ren huo de kuai le de dao li
4 fakta untuk hidup yang lebih baik

Never say Sorry to the one.... who likes you
bu yao dui ni xi huan de ren shuo dui bu qi
Jangan mengatakan maaf ke orang yang mencintai Anda

Never say Bye to the one.... who needs you
bu yao dui xu yao ni de ren shuo zai jian
Jangan mengatakan selamat tinggal ke orang yang memerlukan Anda

Never Blame the one.... who really trust you
bu yao dui xin ren ni de ren ze guai
Jangan menyalahkan orang yang benar-benar mempercayai Anda

Never Forget the one.... who always remember you
bu yao wang ji yi zhi ji de ni de ren
Jangan melupakan orang yang selalu mengingat Anda

Pink : English
Green : Chinese
Blue : Chinese (Pinyin)
Orange : Indonesian

Translated from an email ^^

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Three foolest paces in human's life

Three foolest paces in human's life
3 Tahap terbodoh dalam kehidupan manusia

First Pace (Tahap pertama)
" Teenage ( Masa Remaja ) " :
Have Time + Energy , but no Money
Punya Waktu + Tenaga, tapi tidak punya Uang

Second Pace (Tahap kedua)
" Productive Pace ( Masa Produktif ) " :
Have Money + Energy, but no Time
Punya Uang + Tenaga, tapi tidak punya Waktu

Third Pace (Tahap ketiga)
" Old age ( Masa Manula ) " :
Have Time + Money , but no Energy
Punya Waktu + Uang, tapi tidak punya Tenaga


Sunday, September 6, 2009

我對佛說 (I told Buddha)

I personally think that the best language to express this story is Chinese, it matches the most ^^

我對佛說: 讓我所有朋友永遠健康快樂~!
ฉันพูดกับพุทธองค์ว่า: ขอให้เพื่อนของฉันทุกคนมีความสุขสุขภาพดีตลอดไป
I told Buddha: Let all my friends be healthy and happy forever…!
Saya berkata pada Buddha: Tolong buatlah semua teman-teman saya sehat dan bahagia selamanya…!

佛說: 只能四天~!
พุทธองค์ตอบว่า: ขอได้เพียง4 วันเท่านั้น
Buddha said: But for 4 days only….!
Buddha berkata: Tapi hanya untuk 4 hari…!

我說: 好,春天、夏天、秋天、冬天。
ฉันตอบว่า: ได้ถ้างั้นขอวันฤดูใบไม้ผลิวันฤดูร้อนวันฤดูใบไม้ร่วงวันฤดูหนาว
I said: Yes, let them be a Spring Day, Summer Day, Autumn Day, and Winter Day.
Saya berkata: Baiklah, hari-hari itu adalah hari di musim semi, musim panas, musim gugur, dan musim dingin.

佛說: 三天。
พุทธองค์ตอบว่า: 3 วัน
Buddha said: 3 days.
Buddha berkata: 3 hari.

我說: 好,昨天、今天、明天。
ฉันตอบว่า: ได้เมื่อวานวันนี้วันพรุ่งนี้
I said: Yes, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Saya berkata: Baiklah, Kemarin, Hari ini, dan Hari esok

佛說: 不行,兩天。!
พุทธองค์ตอบว่า: ไม่ได้ให้ได้แค่2 วัน
Buddha said: No, 2 days!
Buddha berkata: Tidak, 2 hari!

我說: 好,白天、黑天。
ฉันตอบว่า: ได้งั้นเป็นกลางวันและกลางคืน
I said: Yes, a Bright Day (Daytime) and Dark Day (Night-time).
Saya berkata: Baiklah, di hari Cerah (Siang) dan Gelap (Malam).

佛說: 不行,就一天~!
พุทธองค์ตอบว่า: ไม่ได้มากไปให้ได้วันเดียว
Buddha said: No, just 1 day!
Buddha berkata: Tidak, hanya 1 hari!

我說: 好~!
ฉันตอบว่า: อ๋อได้
I said: Yes!
Saya berkata: Baiklah!

佛茫然問到: 哪一天?
พุทธองค์ถามว่า: วันไหนล่ะ
Buddha asked: Which day?
Buddha bertanya: Hari yang mana?

我說: 在我所有朋友活著的每一天~! ?
ฉันตอบว่า: ขอเป็นวันที่เพื่อนๆของฉันยังมีชีวิตอยู่
I said: Every Day in the living years of all my friends!
Saya berkata: Setiap hari dalam masa hidup semua teman-teman saya!

佛笑了……說: 以後你所有朋友將天天健康快樂~
พุทธองค์หัวเราะแล้วพูดว่า: นับแต่นี้ไปเพื่อนๆของเธอจะมีความสุขมีสุขภาพแข็งแรงทุกๆวัน
Buddha laughed, and said: All your friends will be healthy and happy Every Day!
Buddha tertawa, dan berkata: Semua teman kamu akan hidup sehat dan bahagia Setiap Hari!

Blue : Chinese
Pink : Thai
Green : English
Orange : Indonesian

Quoted from my other blog : The Unseen ^^

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Some phrases in Tagalog

Learn some phrases in Tagalog from a friend of mine, and I think it's a nice idea to share it, and to keep me from forgetting them, though I don't know if they are right or not... ^^

English : How are you?
Tagalog : Kumusta nah?

English : I'm fine
Tagalog : Okay lang

English : I love you
Tagalog : Mahal kita

English : I love you too
Tagalog : Mahal din kita

English : Thank you
Tagalog : Salamat

English : You are welcome
Tagalog : Walang anuman

Chinese : 加油! (jia you!) - An expression used to encourage someone in Chinese
Tagalog : Galingan mo!

English : Yes
Tagalog : oo

English : No
Tagalog : Hindi

English : Are you still there?
Tagalog : Andyan ka pa ba?

English : I'm still here
Tagalog : Andito pa

English : Fine
Tagalog : Mabuti

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Listening section - TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language)

This is my first post, it will be about English, to be more specific, Listening section in TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language), as far as I can recall ^^

There are some things that you should know about listening section in TOEFL. If you know these tips, you will probably get a high score in listening section of TOEFL, or at least, you won't get a score too low :D

They're actually quite simple. Here they are:
1. Expressions of agreement
You should know some expressions used to show agreement, which will often show up in listening section of TOEFL, i.e. I'll say; you can say that again
Both "I'll say" and "you can say that again" are used to expressed an agreement
A: The movie we watched last night was awesome
B: You can say that again
Then the question will be more or less like: "How does speaker B feel about the movie?"
The answer should be "Speaker B thinks that the movie they saw last night was awesome."
In this conversation, speaker B agrees with speaker A that the movie they saw last night was awesome.

2. Usage of words with similar pronunciation
Listening section of TOEFL uses the possibility of people not listening to the conversation carefully that the answers provided are the ones which have similar pronunciation. So, make sure that you listen to the conversation carefully and concentrate in it ^^

3. Listen thoroughly
Do not pay too much attention to the detail of the words used in the conversation. Instead, listen to it thoroughly and stay focused to the topic being discussed, and you'll figure out what's actually being discussed. However, when there are weekdays, days, times, or chronologies in the conversation, make sure you do notice and remember them. They may appear to be the questions.

4. Think about the situation of the conversation
Think about the situation, about when and where the conversation takes place, the relationship of the speakers, what they talk about, etc. while listening to the conversation.

5. Expression of "So you do...."
The expression "So you do...." is used to show that someone formerly has his own thought about something, but then find out that the fact is different. It's more to exclamatory sentence than positive sentence. You'll find out that there's an emphasis on the word do.
A: The party was great.
B: So you did went to the party.
Then the question will be more or less like: "What did speaker B think about speaker A?"
The answer should be "Speaker B thought that speaker A didn't come to the party."
You'll notice that there's an emphasis on the word did, it's to show that speaker B formerly has his own thought about it, but then find out that the fact is different.

6. Do not cheat!
Do not cheat or take a peek on other's work!

PS: Tips No. 6 is only a joke... hahahaha :D

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This site contains the art of languages and its utilization, meaningful stories, phrases, poems, English Tests, and other language-related information.

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